Saturday, May 31, 2008

My bleeding heart...

These are lovely bleeding hearts and Tom has them all over his flower garden. They truly are beautiful. They're much heartier than I thought as well, no pun intended, okay maybe a small pun intended.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Tulips in Worcester

When we brought Tom home yesterday we stayed for awhile and visited. Rob and I took turns with my camera getting some great shots of his gardens. I love this picture. Who knew my camera could take a picture like this, I didn't until yesterday.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Houses of our youth

One of the houses Rob grew up in. This is the one he moved in to when he was 8. When we met, he had a room in the basement with a waterbed. Oh yeah!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

My new necklace

I am partial to turtles. My niece went to St. Thomas and gave me this beautiful Turtle necklace that she picked up during her trip there. It's gorgeous.
My niece K took this with her camera but I love the charm so much, I had to share.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

This was too cute not to share..

Oh yeah, we are in so much trouble.

Mohawk Boy

This child is far too cute for his own good. Very smart and very active. Aiden went down a big boy twisty slide while visiting. ALL BY HIMSELF. He's not even two yet. My heart has yet to return to a normal rhythm.
This picture was taken with Rob's camera.